34.5-kV Current & Potential Metering Structure


Douglas G. Schema

34.5-kV Current & Potential Metering Structure
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34.5-kV Current & Potential Metering Structure
This is the rear of the former Missouri Public Service (now KCP&L) 34.5-kV current and potential metering structure west of Higginsville, Missouri on I-70's northern service road. It is quite unusual for several reasons. Note the Joslyn Manufacturing & Supply Company High Voltage Division vacuum break switches added to the air break switches on the far top arm. They post-date the age of the air break switches. Secondly, note the unusual style porcelain-housed current metering transformers, which appear as large barrel units on the transverse connecting upper arms. They have separate Westinghouse valve arresters mounted on them where connections are made. There are some Westinghouse De-ion Boric Acid fuses mounted for over current protection of these devices and below are conventional potential transformers. 34.5-kV Westinghouse lightning arresters appear as the out-board mounted brown porcelain devices with a single top connection and a nearly invisible ground lead in series connecting them to a bond and ground.