Westar Energy Transmission Project: Stringing Reel


Douglas G. Schema

Westar Energy Transmission Project: Stringing Reel
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Westar Energy Transmission Project: Stringing Reel
These are the bull wheels of an electric power transmission line construction project. They release the ACSR (Aluminum-Combined-Steel-Reinforced) line conductor for this new transmission line to be operated at 138-kV east of Wichita, Kansas. The original voltage is 69-kV and this new line is built according to new standards so that the voltage can be uprated. The size of the conductor is approximately 795 MCM (millions of circular mil). These reels will allow only the proper amount of conductors to be payed out equally and at proper tension, so as to avoid damage to structures, their attachment points and to employees building the line. The tension forces at work on such a line are nearly unimaginable. These reels must be breaked properly so that no problems or accidents can occur. Tension stringing of conductors must be done with all conductors in tandem, so there is no unequal stress. Line is a monotube transmission line with polymer horizontal post insulators, replacing a single wooden pole Z-structure line.