Stormy Clouds over Mitchell-Tyndall-Lead


Douglas G. Schema

Stormy Clouds over Mitchell-Tyndall-Lead
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Stormy Clouds over Mitchell-Tyndall-Lead
This is the Mitchell-Tyndall Northwestern Bell toll lead, just a mile north and west of Tyndall, South Dakota. This line was one of two remaining NWB open wire lines remaining in the five state NWB territory, now owned by CenturyLink of Denver, Colorado. This line and the one at Tilford, South Dakota were in the running to be preserved as the first attempt in U. S. history to preserve, in situ, a technical historical nomination to the National Register of Historic Register. This was accomplished by D. G. Schema, The Electric Orphanage and the Smithsonian (with the help of countless other pro-open wire affectionados) in 1982. While this line pictured did not survive, elements of it did, and the Tilford companion line in the Black Hills is now standing testiment to D. G. Schema's efforts to maintain this last vestage of the open wire technology heritage. See Song of the Open Wire for the full story of this landmark event.